Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Dear Readers,

I don't know if you are that many out there that read this blog but to all of you that have dedicated a couple of minutes of your time to read the (few) articles that I have posted, I want to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New year 2011! I wish it would bring to you all a lot of Health, Happiness & Love (which is something that, although we try we can't live without it).

Always remember that although time passes (or flies) the Traditions remain...they might be enriched (or modified) by different generation but they still remain and the best way to maintain them, as authentic as possible, is to share them with everybody in order for the Tradition to continue forever and ever…

Happy 2011 from Tradicioneros!

P.S. I did not forget about Christm@s, I will post an article soon with the different traditions on celebrating Christm@s!